Development timeline
I wondered what a timeline might look like of all the development languages and frameworks I'd learnt and used over the years!
the crafty geek
I wondered what a timeline might look like of all the development languages and frameworks I'd learnt and used over the years!
72 hours after receiving a tweet from BBC Points of View, I had finished filming my reaction to be shown the following Sunday.
Is that just my normal computer desk behind me?
Nope, I dressed it specifically for filming.
Read on to find out what I did.
But first, how I ended up on TV.
I gave this talk at the InspireWIT Women in Technology conference for students at Nottingham University on 15 Nov 2014.
The theme: women inspiring women
The brief: talk personally and frankly about yourself, about your education and experiences of being in the technology industry.
Messages like "Sorry, 7 product(s) is currently unavailable in this page" make me cringe.
When small details like this are overlooked, I wonder what else might be broken on a web site.
It may surprise you that the word "elegant" often crops up amongst programmers when discussing software.
"Elegant" is used to describe a clear, simple and well-formed programming solution. It may be hard for some to understand but programming can be a joy. I often think about it as swimming effortlessly and expertly through deep clear blue water - each move and turn is a corresponding nifty solution.